The fees we charge campers to attend camp do not actually cover the true cost of attending camp. We are grateful to the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference for their generous financial support of ICC. However, we recognize the price of camp may be to high for some families to afford. The goal of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Kentucky & Tennessee is that no child who wants to attend ICC is stopped because they cannot afford it.

The KYTN Conference will be awarding Campership funds based on family need and a prior commitment from your church pastor and treasurer.  There is a limited amount of funds to be awarded, so be sure to have your application in completed and mailed to the Conference Office. After financial assistance has been applied (allow 2 weeks after the application arrives at the Conference Office)  check your UltraCamp account to pay the remaining balance due.  Amount Due must be paid before arriving at camp.

If you need financial assistance please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Set up an UltraCamp Account identifying the camp dates that your child will be attending.
  • Step 2: Print and mail out the Financial Application to our office. (Att. Youth Dep.)
  • Step 3: Pay Remaining Balance:  In 1-2 weeks from submission of the Application, check your UltraCamp account and pay the remaining balance.